Sunday, February 22, 2009

cry nigerian

this article was written by my brother. it is worth reading and it is worth thinking about.

1) Religious fundamentalism. Can you imagine if every church and Mosque in Nigeria was replaced with a hospital and every cleric was replaced with a medical practitioner would Nigerians not have the longevity/lifespan of the scandanavians?

2) Socio-economic discrimination. Nigerians are very classist. The average Nigerian "educated middle class professional" treats unskilled and semi-literate/illiterate working class people like scum. To be a bus conductor, cleaner, carpenter in Nigeria is to be sub-human. It makes our apparent religiosity even more duplicitous and hypocritic. Nigerians are incapable of treating the poor with dignity and respect.

3) Corruption. The country is endemically corrupt. From the president, to his ministers, governors, academics, business people, white collar and blue collar workers, corruption is pervasive at every level. This is beneath a garb of "holiness" and "godliness" that is itself a criminal racket run by hucksters and thugs.

4) Misplaced priorities. A country with no medical, economic or industrial infrastructure is obsessed with replicating the financial systems of the industrial west and North Eastern Asia. How can a country with rampant unemployment, rural poverty and urban ghettos be indulging in financial instruments present only in the developed west? Nigeria is a tropical country with vast rain forests and arable farming land that cannot feed itself!!!!

5) Intellectual insecurity. Nigerians never miss an opportunity to display or assert their alleged educational qualifications. It is the only country in the world where "engineer" and "architect" are titles and legitimate designatory professional prefieces analogous to "doctor" and "professor". I have seen someone introduced as "Alhaji, chief, prince, engineer XYZ".

6) Titles. I have never seen an arab introduced as Alhaji, in spite of the fact that a considerable number of them live in Mecca and have undergone the "holy" pilgrimage countless times. If Bin Laden was a Nigerian, he would be known as Alhaji Bin Laden.

7) Abuse. I have seen a domestic servant in Nigeria whipped with a plastic coated copper cable for breaking a glass cup. Most Nigerians see nothing wrong in the physical and sexual abuse of domestic servants and other "underclass" people. Further evidence of their false self-fulfilling religiosity.

8) Materialism. By materialism, i don't mean the school of empirical philosophy counter-posed to classical idealism that the French and German empirical and rational thinkers espoused. I mean the kind of vain shallow materialism that allows people with relative affluence to be designated as demi gods. If you don't understand what I mean, drive the most recent version of the Mercedes jeep to any Nigerian university.

9) Pretentiousness. The average Nigerian, after spending a few weeks in foreign sojourn becomes more English than the English. I have met a Nigerian lady with a middle England accent more Anglo-Saxon than a 100% pure bred Celtic/Norman/Saxon person that has never left the bounds of a parochial middle-England county. Others that have never left Nigeria can easily be mistaken for a rural dweller of Northumberland.

10) Fiscal indiscipline. The wealthy Nigerian never misses any opportunity to spend abundantly as a means of displaying affluence and opulence. Nigerians see any event, wedding, engagement, birthday, graduation, funerals etc, as opportunities to express wealth. They especially like using wealth as a lever of suppression against less wealthy people. If your birthday hasn't been covered by ovation and your wedding hasn't been advertised in the newspapers, then you haven't breathed air.

11) False prudishness. Most Nigerians like pretending to be prudes. They express religious condemnation and opprobrium against normal sexuality by stating religious principles as the basis of their displeasure. But prostitution is thriving and buggery/bigamy/child molestation/paedophilia secretly endemic. If national statistics were ever published regarding the scale and magnitude of sexual child abuse in Nigeria, the country would be designated as a society on the moral precipice.

12) Pastors. This band of huckstering thugs are the proverbial plague of locusts that feed on the financial and moral fibre of Nigeria. A criminal class of gangsters that pedal religious opium to poor, fearful and desperate people while normalizing suffering by projecting fantasies of a blissful afterlife. I particularly despise the new generation pastors that pedal their psychological opiates using American Negro culture knowing fully well that Nigerians worship western culture.

13) Nigerian politicians. These are the only living parasites more ruthless in pilfering and pillaging the masses than pastors. If Nigerian politicians were the first plague sent by the desert god of the Jews against their Egyptian oppressors, Moses would only have needed to ask once for his peoples freedom.

14) Nigerian Sexism. Most Nigerian men see women as sexual commodities they can purchase and consume at will. A large number of them are wife beaters including the most religious of them. This is not surprising, since the holy books are the manifestos of universal racism, Zionism and sexism. nothing frightens the average Nigerian man more than a literate educated and successful woman.

15) Obsequiousness. Some Nigerians constitute the most efficient boot-lickers, ass-kissers, grace seekers and sycophants on the planet. You only need to watch how our criminal class of politicians and pastors are worshipped by the victim masses.

16) Lack of customer service. Most Nigerian workers have absolutely inkling of customer service. Service providers treat their customers like beggars and favour-seekers. You would think that the basic capitalist norm of pleasing customers would apply. You have to beg most to do their jobs.

17) Vanity. Why does the designer of a persons clothing, the logo, the crest of the designer and where the clothing item was purchased matter so much to many Nigerians? This is especially true in our decrepit universities where the younger generation congregate themselves in clubs with varying socio-economic gradations. I once heard of a social club where it was mandatory that every member wore a YSL shirt. This is symptomatic of mental poverty as well as financial poverty.

18) Inferiority complex. The average Nigerian believes that the white Caucasian is a superior being whose gaseous expulsions are analogous to perfume. European working class people are treated like royalty in Nigeria as long as there is a sufficient absence of melanin and other Negro features. Many Nigerian women especially cheapen themselves in front of white men that are seen as little more than dollar ATMs on legs.

19) Nollywood. I was initially offended by the postulations of the German eugenicists that asserted that the African Negro race was intellectually, genetically and biologically inferior to the European Caucasian race. But watching a Hollywood-styled sex scene cliché replicated by Nigerian actors gives ammunition to people that agree with Eugenics. We used to have good theatre in Nigeria. "Things fall apart", "Village head master" and "New masquerade" was excellent entertainment but cinema has been overrun by Brad Pitt wannabes with bad ibo accents.

20) Lawlessness. Why are many Nigerians incapable of obeying simple laws? The best deterrence against urinating in public places is to erect a sign stating "human urine needed here" and the magnet for public urination is a sign stating "please do not urinate here". It is would be funny if it wasn't true.

21) Seniority. Many Nigerians are obsessed with age seniority without understanding that respect is regardless and irrespective of age. Obedience towards the elderly is laudable when it is not at the expense of common sense. You are sometimes forced to obey an older idiot because many Nigerians cannot recognize healthy dissent as constructive dialectics.

22) Political philosophy. Many Nigerians are incapable of seeing their politicians as public servants that are accountable to them. Instead, we have a cabal of fat rodent-like parasites that drain the financial lifeblood of the countries oil resources through unbridled theft. Many Nigerians are not incensed with rage at the fact that the governors of some of the poorest oil rich states are billionaires in foreign currencies.

23) Pastors. i have mentioned this previously, but the criminality of these thugs deserves further notice. I have witnessed a pastor extorting money from his victim flock on the premise that those seeking visas to escape Nigeria must pay a spiritual bribe to the Christian god who inturn would influence the British civil servant conducting the interview. Many Nigerians will give their last coins to their mental enslavers who will convince them that paying "tithe" suspend gravity in their favour.

24) Indifference to child suffering. Why are many Nigerians immune to the suffering of children that roam the streets engaging in petty trade, many of whom are kidnapped, killed and abused without notice, report, concern or care. A society that cannot protect its children is a decaying society. If all the monies extorted in the Christian industry was diverted from funding the pastors exotic cars to providing succour to homeless children, will Nigeria not be a much better place?

25) Pastors. I had to mention them one last time because they are a real cancer. Reverends, pastor, apostle, evangelist, primate, general overseer and prophet. Many Nigerians cannot go to the toilet without the say-so of their pastor. If every Nigerian reads the constitution/bill of rights as well as they read the bible and Quran, will the country not be a much civilized place with decent rulers?